The Brook

The Brook
on Broadwaters

Our Charity

The Brook Special Children's Fund
Help Us Build Brighter Futures

Many of you will already be familiar with the inspirational teaching and learning that takes place at The Brook.

It is my pleasure to be chairing The Brook Special Children’s Fund committee. Our purpose is to raise funds to make the provision for children even better than it is already by providing extras such as school trips and resources for both indoors and outdoors. We know that fundraising at such challenging times is difficult which is why we are asking you to sign up for Give as you Live and nominate The Brook Special Children’s Fund – Help Us Build Brighter Futures as your chosen charity. Once you’ve signed up and you’re shopping on line a pop-up will appear; all you have to do is click on it and your purchase will result in a donation to The Brook at no extra cost to you.  Hazera is ready to help you with signing up! She can be contacted on:

How about asking family and friends to sign up too?  That would be brilliant.

The more money we raise, the more often we will be able to say ‘yes’ to requests from staff and we like to say ‘yes’!  We would also welcome suggestions from you regarding fundraising activities and resources that children would enjoy,

Donations of healthy snack foods are also greatly appreciated as well as any books in good condition.  We are also very grateful for any monetary donations people can make – as an advert on television tells us ‘Every Little Helps’.

Sending you all my best wishes and thanks

Heulwen Rees
Chair, The Brook Special Children’s Fund


Charity Number: 280180
The Brook Special Children's Fund - Help Us Build Brighter Futures

Account number:  65505207 
Sort code:  08 92 99

School donation form