The Brook

The Brook
on Broadwaters

Multidisciplinary working at the Brook on Broadwaters

Multidisciplinary/Multi-agency working is considered to be the most effective and therapeutic method of developing and empowering an individual in a holistic way. Here at The Brook, we have an established multidisciplinary team who work alongside us to enhance the skills of the pupils, staff and parents; help with access to the curriculum/ skills of daily living and support the school staff to safeguard the pupils.

The current Multidisciplinary team ( MDT ) is made up of therapists and social workers from different services these include:

Whittington Health NHS Children and Young People's Service

  • Lead for Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) and School Nursing:  Laura Hills
  • School Nurse:  Elisabeth Ngenda  Katompa
  • Speech and Language Therapists:  Natalie Jones and Yasaman Keshavarz
  • Speech and Language Therapy Assistant: Deborah Amirize
  • Dietician:  
  • Occupational Therapist:  Marija Srnic
  • Physiotherapist:  Susannah Owen
  • Consultant Paediatrician:  Dr Divya Sasikumar


 Regular meetings that support MDT working include:

  • Fortnightly MAG (Multi-Agency Group) meetings to discuss safeguarding and emotional wellbeing of pupils

  • Termly meetings between Health professionals and the Head Teacher

  • Attendance at parents’ coffee mornings and head teacher’s briefing


The needs of the child are paramount and there must be close liaison and information sharing as appropriate between Education, Health, Therapy and social care colleagues in regard to children and young people where there is a safeguarding concern or where they are subject to a child protection plan.

If multi-disciplinary staff have a safeguarding concern this is passed on to the relevant Safeguarding Officer within the school. In regard to Health staff they will also follow Health policies and procedures related to escalating any concerns.

The multi-disciplinary team are always informed of any safeguarding concerns relevant to children/young people on their caseloads.

The following numbers are the appropriate way to contact the MDT team:
MDT Office: 020 8885 8807
School Nurse: 020 88858806

Useful links -

Haringey Children's Occupational Therapy Service

Children's Community Physiotherapy Service (Haringey)

Speech and Language Therapy (Haringey Children's Service)

Haringey Community Children's Dietitians

Community Paediatrics (Haringey)