Speech and Language Therapy
The Health professionals from Whittington Health follow a specific model of care to work with pupils in the school which means that even if your child does not directly receive support from a therapist, they will benefit from the shared learning that happens between the school staff and the professionals. The speech and language therapy team consists of speech and language therapists (SLT), speech and language therapy assistants (SLTA) and sometimes student speech and language therapists (from UCL or City University) who are supervised by the SLTs.
Introduction to Speech and Language Therapy at The Brook
Videos for Your Learning
Universal Speech and Language Therapy /i/video/Universal_SLT.mp4
Introduction to Core Vocabulary Boards /i/video/Core_Vocabulary_Board.mp4 |
Modelling Language Truths and Myths /i/video/Video_Modelling_Truths_and_Myths.mp4
{new videos coming soon} |